Over 100 million animals are crippled, poisoned, burned, and burned, and abused every year in US Labs. Over 92% of the tests that are done on animals fail on trials in humans. For example ibuprofen caused kidney failure in dogs, another example chocolate, humans eat it and are just fine, but if a dog eats chocolate it can make them ill, or worse kill them, this is also the same for cats. Some test involve killing pregnant animals and testing the products on their fetus. Some poisoned with chemicals and gases. Even animals that are protected under the AWA can still be abused and tortured. There are a large list of animals that are uses such as guinea pigs, rabbits, dogs, cats, monkeys, birds, pigs, reptiles, sheep, cattle, horses, chickens, and fish are used, but it is mostly Mice and rats because they are cheap and easy to breed, and that they are small. Some people see animals as companions, and others as means for medical research. The pain, the suffering of the animals is not worth the possible benefits, and because of this animals should not be used in animal research. In all of animal testing animal rights are violated. It is just wrong for to do animal testing on animals, because they are abused, and abuse is wrong. On the other hand animal testing has contributed to many life saving cures and treatments. Another thing that is good about animal testing is that there is no adequate alternative to testing on the entire body, such as evaluating a drug for side effects requires an entire circulatory system to carry the medicine to the entire body, however there are methods that include tests including human cells and tissues (aka vitro methods), advanced computer-modeling techniques (aka silico models), and studies with human volunteers. Most likely the reason people use mice is because they are 98% genetically similar to humans, but chimpanzees are 99% similar, but still Rats and mice are very biologically different from humans, so the results are not the same. The United states and Gibbon is the only two countries that allow experimentation on chimps. In 2010 Massachusetts used the most primates, 7,458, New Jersey used the most dogs, 6,077, and Minnesota used more cats, 2,703 for testing than any other state. In 1997 Joseph and Charles Vacanti gre a human “ear” on the back of a living mouse, it was seeded from implanted cow cartilage cells on the back of a the mouse. It was done to explore the possibility of fabricating parts for reconstructive surgery. There are a number of states (16) including washington, DC, allows students to opt out of classroom dissection exercises. There are over 767,622 animals that are used in research teaching, and testing in the united states. Recent progress progress treating Ebola and a deadly tumor was made with animals help, through animal testing. A drug to fight Ebola, when tested in rhesus monkeys, shows success.